My Lover is a dream

2 min readJan 6, 2024


When I think of you, I think of brown in every shade. It gives me a sense of being home, in tune, at rest. Like warm cocoa with cookies.

In my dreams you are the best gift I could ever get. Your eyes and how they take me to places beyond; your smile and how it makes me want to goof around just to watch you shake your head and sneak more smiles.

The way you take charge of the room when you work, keeping a seamless flow and finding solutions when things go sideways as with life sometimes, and the way you are still the same person even when you snuggle closer and keep me from getting out of your arms while you mumble "5 more minutes" every 20 minutes.

Watching you in your element and with other people you care about fills my heart with joy and a calm I’ve never known.

I struggle to decide my favorite parts of you. Again, you’re the best thing that has ever waltzed into my life and I’m keeping you so help me God.
I love your hands and how they solidly hold me, guide me and assure me of the safety and comfort I find in and with you.

Seeing me from your point of view is not so hard, your eyes tell the story everytime.

My head on your chest is one of my favorite things, as I listen to your heart beat while I fill you in on my latest hobby, work stuff or ten of the million thoughts in my head.

You help me feel normal about my fears and remind me to stay grounded and in the present.

Oh how I love when you attempt to dance and when you watch me play pretend music performer. You’re my best buddy, my ray of sunshine, my "are you crazy?" and "I’ll go with you to the end of the world".

The way you love me makes me less scared to do life, makes me want to make babies with you so they can see what love is and how beautiful the world can be with the right person.

I couldn’t have asked for better. You give me room to explore the many ways I want to love up on you, stand with you, live the best life and not so perfect moments with you.

You feel like a dream and you are my dream.




Learning to love life and trying to give my thoughts and outlet.